
Friday, August 17, 2012


This past Wednesday, my school district held its summer graduation ceremony which I was lucky to be a part of.  As a summer administrator, it was a long day of setting up and organizing and alphabetizing graduates.  I was honored to be part of this; summer graduates are the happiest graduates I have ever seen.  Many of them were GED graduates or alternative graduates and they had some sort of struggle they had to overcome.  I was pleased to see many of my special discipline students present (or at least in the program) and I wish that my special school could participate in graduation in order to be proud of the students we have helped over the years.  We often forget that most of them do achieve this wonderful milestone and I would have been proud to shake their hand on that stage.  However, being sent to my school is nothing to be proud of so I completely understand us being kept private.

We were so busy working and enjoying the experience that we completely forgot to take any pictures or even save a program to see our names and temporary titles in print.  And that's fine; the experience is one I'll never forget.  The kids (and adults) were great.  The central office personnel, who we need to impress, seemed impressed.  There were networking opportunities and we handled them professionally and cordially.  Also, I looked good :) (thanks to Weight Watchers and a last minute Target belt run!).  I could order a DVD of the ceremony to see myself on the floor and helping direct and standing and waving when my name is said but I think I would just be disappointed in some way (I look fat! I look nervous! Why am I holding my arms like that?) so I believe that I will just keep the experience as I remember it.  Proud and professional.

Now I just have to get an administrator job before everyone forgets who I am.  I'm probably in for a long wait though.