
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Too much house!

I love owning my own home but sometimes I get oddly jealous of my sister and BF for their very humble and rented abodes.  Primarily for their swimming pools but also for their limited space and limited decorating options.  *hangs head in shame* 

I love decorating my house and I have so many ideas and rooms still to go but that's the problem isn't it?  Too much work left to do; not to mention the fact that I have some work to re-do.  FYI: trim and doors...always oil paint.  Two coats and move on.

The other problem is that I've filled up my house.  I've lived here for two years, alone, and I've used up every closet.  It's bad.  I need to de-clutter but when you start making plans it sort of snowballs into large schemes of office organizing and wardrobe overhauls and the "to-do" list becomes a shopping list!

No.  No more.

I'm keeping it simple.  I'm picking something to throw away (or donate or re-gift) every day.  In a year or so, I'll re-evaluate.  Also, stop impulse shopping now.  I'm keeping a running list of things I'm allowed to buy based upon needs and rewards (because I gots to have rewards) but the impulse trips to Old Navy are over.  On this same note, no more browsing the internets and all catalogues are being tossed.  You can't tempt me Boston Proper and Talbot's!