
Saturday, May 12, 2012

New TV!

First, lightning took my garage door opener and then lightning, allegedly, took my TV.  I can't prove it, but it's oddly coincidental.  The good news is that I've been salivating for an HDTV for years but I thought it wasteful since my tube TV was still functioning.  The bad news is, TVs are expensive.  That sad, I'm now the owner of an LED TV and a new HD Roku and a Nook Simple Touch...which really has nothing to do with this story except that my simplification project took 90% of my library.  The process has been frustrating...things working, things not working.  Need to upgrade my internets....cancelled my cable.... nearly killed myself trying to remove the big old heavy tube TV.  Ouch.   My nearly clean house after my tornado of simplifying is now filled again with trash and cardboard boxes and old electronics.  Vicious cycle.