
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Resolutions...  Such a tired topic and an even more tired blog post yet here I am, posting them.  As hard as she tries, a girl can’t always be unique. 

Truthfully, I make a new resolution nearly every week as my many whims change.  However, there is very much a “resolving” charge in the air come January 1 that I can’t help but revisit my different whims and turn them into official resolutions. 

1.  Duh.  Be healthy.  I resolve this constantly though it always takes many forms.  Be vegetarian; be vegan.  Give up sugar; give up “sugar”.  Drink tea instead of coffee.  Walk everyday; ride bike every day while watching Jeopardy; park at the back of the parking lot at least?  Fresh juice instead of soda instead of juice than can safely be stored for millennia on an HEB shelf.  Since every news article since Dec. 26 has stated that you must be very specific with a resolution for it to work its magic, here it goes: 

Vegetarian for the year (or at least until spring break and then slowly and rarely bring back the burger).  Learn to like black coffee and quit the soda.    

2.  Be well-rounded.  Play a bit more tennis.  Try hiking.  Try riding my real bicycle (note to self: air up tires).  Garden more.  Cancel DirectTV and Netflix/Hulu it.  Go out and socialize more.  Bring people over and socialize more.  Do more puzzles and play more games.

3.  Rejuvenate the nesting instinct.  Finish painting trim and doors.  Work on the master bedroom.   Get the front yard amy-scaped (it’s like landscaping except low maintenance and cheap).    

4.  Be a better blogger.  One day, people might want to read about me.  Either that or one day, I will teach Maisy how to read.  Whichever comes first. 

5.  Pay off the Xmas credit card bill and don’t spend money until summer!  This one I actually successfully do every year because I’m afraid of crippling debt.  Ouch.

6.  Smile more.  Be more patient with my students.  Don’t judge them!  Surround myself with more positive things (i.e., stop reading the comments on blog posts and taking the angry ranting of misunderstood teens seriously). 

7.  Church every week; Bible every day.  Already doing well on this one from last year but I’m keeping it on the list.  It’s really helping me to relax and love myself more.  Now it needs to help stoke my charitable spirit. 

8.  Get out of town.  Go to IOB (sailing!) or Houston; go back East in the summer; take day trips.  Yup.  Just do it.