
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, Nov. 8

Tuesday, Nov. 8- Yesterday I was extremely grateful for two things.  First, I am grateful for daylight savings time which allowed me to go to bed at 8 pm last night and get some much needed weekday rest.  I know this habit will not last long so I will appreciate it while it does.  Secondly, I am forever grateful for my ability to lose myself in a book.  My saddest periods are those in which I cannot find a book worth getting lost in and so right now I'm feeling especially blessed for this ability and to George R.R. Martin for giving me months (months!) of his Song of Fire and Ice books.  Also, a shout-out to J.K. Rowling for providing her Harry Potter books which help me get by during those depressing times when I can't find a decent book or series to lose myself in.